Updates and Roadmap

This document covers the detail of Ava Protocol and Turing network updates and roadmap

The Polkadot ecosystem enables multiple types of networks: a testnet, canary and mainnet. Below are the different networks.

  • Turing Staging (TUR): testnet parachain; expect chaos and occassional downtime for the network; these tokens hold no value
  • Turing (TUR): Kusama parachain (launched April 2022); this is a canary, expect chaos but limited/no downtime; these tokens do hold value
  • Ava Protocol: Polkadot parachain (expected to launch November 2022); this is the mainnet

4Q2021 - Completed & Launched

  • Event Registry Proof of Concept

1Q2022 - Completed & Launched


  • Ava Protocol Website Design Rebrand
  • Kusama crowdloan for Turing (TUR) Network parachain


  • Neumann Testnet Launch (Testnet)
    • Neumann is a parachain version of the forenamed “Ava Protocol Testnet” in the PolkadotJS App
  • Onboarding community collators (closed set) to the Neumann testnet
  • Event Registry (Event VM): development and testing of the core time-based event data structure
  • Missed events implementation: handling missed tasks for a given time slot
  • Triggers: time
  • Actions: sending an event, and wallet-to-wallet transaction for NEU

2Q2022 - Completed & Launched


  • Blockchain SDKs for developers (JS) - DApp Competition
  • Turing Automation DApps: transparency for the end-users’ transactions
  • DEX integration with select partner
  • Yield farming integration with select partner (e.g. adjusting composable yield strategies based on personal risk profiles)
  • Wallet integration with select partner


  • Turing Network Launch (Kusama Parachain)
  • Turing Network is fully decentralized
  • Onboarding more collators to the Neumann & Turing Networks
  • Security & technical audits
  • Time specificity: crafting granularity in when a task is to be triggered and at what slippage
  • HRMP Channels to select partners (Karura, Parallel, Khala)
  • Triggers: staking events
  • Actions: recurring actions, cross-chain asset transfer

3Q2022 - In Progress


  • Polkadot crowdloan app for Ava Protocol
  • Auto-compounding with select partners
  • Liquidity pool compounding with select partner
  • Portfolio and other DApp integrations with additional partners for Turing


  • Removal of sudo for Turing Network
  • EVM integration with select partner
  • Node infrastructure performance optimization
  • Customized triggers for consumers and developers
  • Triggers: price, XCMP events
  • Actions: smart contracts, limit orders, XCMP events



  • Trigges and Actions DApp Marketplace: an online marketplace where creators can submit automation DApps and consumers can opt to use them similar to IFTTT


  • Ava Protocol Launch
  • Ethereum bridge expansion
  • Private automated tasks pilot
  • Automation fees optimization
  • Insurance fees pilot
  • Refunding tasks pilot
  • Customized triggers for consumers and developers
  • Triggers: smart contracts, external data feed (weather, etc.)
  • Actions: IoT actions

About Ava Protocol
Bug Bounty Program