Get Testnet Tokens


For developers and users who want to play around with features on our networks, we offer a test environment and tokens for you. Please follow the below instructions to get some test tokens from our Discord.

Recommended pallet to test with,

  • automationTime
  • automationPrice
  • polkadotXcm
  • democracy
  • identity
  • parachainStaking
  • multisig


Get your wallet address

The wallet address on Turing Staging is the same as that on Turing Network, because they both use ss58 prefix: 51 to format an address.

  1. Navigate to the Turing Staging PolkadotJS App

  2. Go to the Accounts > Accounts tab

  3. Copy the address of your selected wallet.


Fill out a simple form on Discord

Please note due to spams we turned off automatic token faucet in Discord. Starting from Sep 2022 you will need to follow below steps to retrieve test tokens.

  1. Please enter #🪙tur-staging-token-request channel in our Discord.


  2. Fill out the application form and submit.


  3. Ava Protocol team member will review the application and send test tokens to you in 4 hours. Feel free to contact any admin in Discord if you don’t receive them.