
OAK Weekly Update - Jul 17, 2023

Ava Protocol

Ava Protocol

· 1 min read

Last week was an exciting week for everyone on the OAK Network team. Moonriver’s Referendum 21, which proposed to allow a bi-directional channel for Turing, has passed. This enabled the team to register xcTUR as an asset within the Moonriver ecosystem to empower EVM smart contracts with the on-chain automation features of Turing Network. To celebrate, OAK is hosting a giveaway on our Twitter. Be sure to check it out and become part of the OAK family.

✔️ Referendum 21 has passed and will allow OAK to continue to push forward the goals we’ve set forth for cross-chain automation services.


🎊 Celebrating our newest product integration, we are hosting a giveaway with a total of 6000 TUR


For more technical information please visit our GitHub:
🔗 https://github.com/AvaProtocol

Ava Protocol

About Ava Protocol

Ava Protocol is an intent-based infrastructure that empowers private autonomous transactions for Ethereum and beyond.