
OAK Weekly Update - Feb 24, 2023

Ava Protocol

Ava Protocol

· 2 min read

The OAK Network team’s hard work paid off last week and we celebrated some terrific accomplishments while preparing for upcoming conferences and innovative project integrations.

Check out more details on all the news from the last week.


✨ We are thrilled to announce we’ve won the 69th parachain auction on the Kusama Network

✈️ The OAK Team is preparing and looking forward to ETHDenver next week!

📚 OAK Network and Mangata are proud to be pioneering parachain cross-chain functionality for the Kusama and Polkadot ecosystems!

Last week the OAK Network team celebrated as we won the 69th parachain auction on the Kusama Network to continue our lease for the Turing token for the next year. Winning the auction was very exciting but seeing all of the support and congratulations we receive from the community and ecosystem really made our week!

Read our full announcement medium article for all the details here:

Turing Network Wins the 69th Kusama Parachain Auction! 🎊

The OAK Team is preparing and looking forward to ETHDenver . The team is excited to share our technology and collaborate with projects in Polkadot and all over web3!

Are you headed to ETHDenver ? Let us know on Twitter!


Our team at OAK Network is incredibly excited to show off the cross-chain message passing (XCMP/HRMP) capabilities of the Turing Network in partnership with Mangata to offer auto-compounding of liquidity pool rewards on the MangataX decentralized exchange!

Full article:

OAK Network & Mangata: XCM Liquidity Pool Auto-Compounding ⛓️

For more technical information please visit our GitHub:

🔗 https://github.com/AvaProtocol

Ava Protocol

About Ava Protocol

Ava Protocol is an intent-based infrastructure that empowers private autonomous transactions for Ethereum and beyond.