
OAK Weekly Update - Feb 17, 2023

Ava Protocol

Ava Protocol

· 1 min read

The OAK Network team continues to make progress behind the scenes while remaining excited to share upcoming project integrations with the community and at upcoming conferences. Over the coming months the team expects numerous updates so please stay tuned in here and on our socials!

Check out more details on all the news from the last week.


🎙️Don’t miss last week’s Dotsamahub on Twitter Spaces with special guests from OAK Network and Pendulum.

🔎The OAK Team is preparing and looking forward to ETHDenver!

Don’t miss last week’s Dotsamahub Twitter Spaces with special guests from OAK Network and Pendulum. The team reviewed accomplishments from the past year and previewed what is coming in terms of upcoming partner project integrations.

Learn more and listen in here:


The OAK Team is preparing and looking forward to ETHDenver. The team is excited to share our technology and collaborate with projects in Polkadot and all over web3!

Are you headed to Eth Denver? Let us know on Twitter!


For more technical information please visit our GitHub:

🔗 https://github.com/AvaProtocol

Ava Protocol

About Ava Protocol

Ava Protocol is an intent-based infrastructure that empowers private autonomous transactions for Ethereum and beyond.